Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale Neighbourhood Plan Delivery Group
Strategic sites
An important part of our Plan relates to the named strategic sites – sites may be expected to come up for development. There are policies (8.1 to 8.8) for each of these sites relating to their use and how they may be developed. The Strategic Sites Policies within the Neighbourhood Plan are available here.
A fundamental policy in our Plan requires a Development Brief to be produced and for the community to be consulted on it prior to any planning applications being submitted for any of these sites.
As and if any of these sites start coming forward more information will be published.
The strategic sites:
Development Brief and Statement of Consultation Information Pack
We’ve produced an Information Pack, primarily for site promoters, developers, landowners and their advisers on the Neighbourhood Plan policy on Development Briefs and the requirements of Community Consultation.
Any queries on the information contained, please email:
The Information Pack can be seen here: ASandS NP DG Development Brief_Consultation Information Pack